Monday, July 18, 2011

What to do??

So sometimes I go into the thrift store, or am given and item, and I see it has mad potential, so I buy it. I mean why not? It is affordable and fabulous. Then I get it home and I realize I don't have an outfit for it yet. So here are a few items I have gotten recently that I have not figured out what to wear with them yet.

 I recently got these shoes for FREE! I was working to clean out one of the APO closets, and we had alot of clothes from a fundraiser a while back, so I grabbed these! they were practically new and my size! I can't wait to find something to wear them with!

So I recently got this belt at Last Chance. I have been on the hunt for a perfect, thick, black belt that did not look like it was made from melted plastic. I saw this one and fell in LOVE. I absolutely adore the cut out detail and the greyish black leather. Still looking for the perfect outfit to wear it with!                                                                                                                 I tried pairing it with a black skirt and men's v-neck, and I liked the look, ok (and will probably wear it) but this belt has so much more potential than that!  

 So I saw this Jacket in at Last Chance and I was skeptical about it, but it reminded me of a jacket that some of my friends have, so I picked it up, tried it on and really liked it! It was edgy, and looks great with dresses. I had to cut out the shoulder pads, and am anxious for cold to come so I can wear it! pretty good for $3.50.

 Another Last Chance find (from the same shopping spree as the jacket, and purple belt from pretty in purple. I saw this electric blue belt and instantly adored it! I have NO IDEA what to wear it with. I picked it up to go with a zebra print jacket, but it was gone before I could buy it! Hopefully you will see this belt again paired with an outfit!

xoxo thrifters.

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